Catholic Answers LIVE
Catholic Answers Live, hosted by Cy Kellett, is a daily, two-hour radio program dedicated to Catholic apologetics and evangelization. According to listener surveys, it is a runaway favorite on Catholic stations across America.
As a call-in program, Catholic Answers Live connects listeners to prominent leaders in the Church today—including scholars, nuns, priests, bishops, and cardinals—and touches on every aspect of our lives as Christians. You'll hear discussions on just about everything relating to the Church: doctrinal controversies, family concerns, social issues, evangelization, ethics…you name it!
Catholic Answers Live airs every Monday through Friday from 6-8 PM Eastern (3-4 PM Pacific) on over 360 AM and FM stations in the United States, Sirius Satellite Radio channel 130, and through the Internet at If you can't listen live, you can subscribe to our podcast or download individual shows from our MP3 archive.
Call in with your question at 1-888-31-TRUTH!
Most Recent Episodes
Questions Covered:
05:53 – What advice would you give to help me from falling into the sin of envy?
13:39 – Angels have free will; since Satan is an angel and he rejected God, can he return to God and be redeemed?
18:19 – I have a Catholic friend and we go to daily mass together. My friend is taking classes at protestant global outreach on prayer for healing; what is your opinion about this? Is this okay?
23:21 – How do I handle with leaving the church I’m from and joining the Catholic Church?
29:02 – I have a sister going through an estrangement with daughter, doing everything, asking me for advice. I don’t know how to counsel her. I’m Catholic, what advice do you give to her?
37:34 – One of my daughter’s friends (a fallen away Catholic) has bad self-esteem, wants a nose job; her dad thinks she’ll go to hell. How can my daughter help her friend navigate this? Will she go to hell? Also, what does the phrase “minister to God” mean?
46:36 – I have a Pentecostal friend and he got excited when I told him Catholics pray in tongues; he prayed over me, I responded with the Lord’s prayer in Hebrew. Did I mislead him, and is it bad that I took Communion after this event?
Questions Covered:
05:53 – What advice would you give to help me from falling into the sin of envy?
13:39 – Angels have free will; since Satan is an angel and he rejected God, can he return to God and be redeemed?
18:19 – I have a Catholic friend and we go to daily mass together. My friend is taking classes at protestant global outreach on prayer for healing; what is your opinion about this? Is this okay?
23:21 – How do I handle with leaving the church I’m from and joining the Catholic Church?
29:02 – I have a sister going through an estrangement with daughter, doing everything, asking me for advice. I don’t know how to counsel her. I’m Catholic, what advice do you give to her?
37:34 – One of my daughter’s friends (a fallen away Catholic) has bad self-esteem, wants a nose job; her dad thinks she’ll go to hell. How can my daughter help her friend navigate this? Will she go to hell? Also, what does the phrase “minister to God” mean?
46:36 – I have a Pentecostal friend and he got excited when I told him Catholics pray in tongues; he prayed over me, I responded with the Lord’s prayer in Hebrew. Did I mislead him, and is it bad that I took Communion after this event?
Questions Covered:
01:20 – How does the issue of free will square with papal infallibility?
06:13 – I like how some protestants treat Jesus’ words of righting wrongs before approaching the altar. Has the Catholic Church fallen off following this?
14:33 – One thing I frequently hear is Acts 10:41 as evidence for rejecting regenerative baptism. How do I respond?
21:46 – I’m orthodox. What’s the premise of the papacy?
29:00 – Do the letters to the Corinthians give leeway to divorce and remarriage?
32:14 – How do I present to my non-denominational friend that the Catholic Church is non-denominational and pre denominational?
36:50 – Is holding hands during the Our Father permitted?
Questions Covered:
06:46 – What is the purpose of holy water?
14:46 – Why would John’s account of what Jesus do after his baptism differ from the other gospel accounts?
20:03 – My question would be about Jesus’ sisters regarding the immaculate conception. The claim I’ve seen is that sister doesn’t have the same range of meaning as brother. This means they must be Jesus’ biological sisters.
22:46 – I’m Lutheran. I believe the saints pray for us, but I don’t see where it says that we are supposed to ask them to pray for us. Can you clarify?
37:05 – Can someone tell me what verses say about saints in heaven interceding for us?
46:28 – I’m Catholic and absolutely hate it. What should I do?
Questions Covered:
00:59 – Did Mary and Mary Magdalene also receive the gift to forgive sins since they were present when Jesus breathed on his disciples and commissioned them?
05:22 – If I’ve fallen away from the Church what do I need to do to return?
07:22 – Did Catholics chain up the bible and limit access to it? Is this true?
12:07 – How does one fully trust God for everything?
18:28 – What are your thoughts on the fracturing and divisions in the Catholic Church?
23:11 – Can one fulfill their Sunday obligation at an SSPX church? Are they in schism?
36:36 – I’m dating a girl who is staunchly protestant, and her mother is anti-Catholic. What’s the best way to share my faith with her?
45:40 – What happened in Europe that made it very atheistic but the faith was fairly preserved in the US?
49:34 – Is it ok to read books about the Nazi’s and the history of their rise without it leading me to sin?
52:24 – What is the Catholic interpretation of Jesus healing the paralytic in Mt 9:5-6 and forgiving his sins?