Audio Highlights
Recordings from special events, guest speakers, live drives, and more!
Most Recent Episodes
Location: Duluth, MN
Hosts: Fr. Richard Kunst and Cindy Jennings
Guests: Marty LaPlante & Rosemary Tarnowski
Location: Christ the King in Mandan, ND
Hosts: Karen Selensky & Fr. Fred Harvey
Guests: Deacon James Belohlavek, Jan Frohlich, & Rose Krukenberg
Location: Crux Coffe in Fargo, ND
Hosts: Sunshine Diem & Kevin Fischer
Guests: Veronica Pavek, Aaron and Shanna Filzen, & Bishop John Folda
Location: St. Joseph, Spearfish, SD
Hosts: Heather Karrow & Amy Julian
Guests: Tami Whalen, Mike Ochoa, & Kyle Benjamin
Location: Chancery Library in Superior WI
Hosts: Lynne Devitt and Peggy Ricci
Guests: Bishop Powers, David Dusek, & Joy Pyle